You probably know all the RolePlaying clichés after reading them in most games you may have crossed. Ekta is of no exception. I made a few notes of what I had to put in here and found it to be quite massive. After thinking for quite a while I decided to let go of it and slim the archieve. The results would be below:
1. General
1.0 This is a realistic game.
1.1 Most is allowed, although pornography and swearing is not permitted.
1.2 Powerplaying(PP) is not permitted. In other words, playing another persons character as if it were your own. Making your character damage the other without the allowance of opponent.
1.3 You are the only person able to kill your character. Natural forces may however injure it.
1.4 This is a horse game. Although I will allow other animals like sheep, foxes, occasional polar bear (with my approval) and some birds. No mysticals!
1.5 There is no "good" or "evil" here.
1.6 Horses battle nature for nutrition. If a herd stays in a land for too long they may tear up all vegetation, leaving the land spilled. That is bad.
2. The Horses
2.0 This game takes place in ancient Iceland. Horses were imported here from Scandinavia, Ireland, Scotland and Britain. The race is to be called Icelandic Horse. The origins can be from any of the countries mentioned before though.
2.1 16h is the biggest the horses here get.
2.2 Average age for horses should be around 15 years. 18 would however be the oldest allowed. Death is unevitable.
3. Mares and Stallions
3.1 Stallions can claim mares and if he does submission is required at some point or another.
3.2 No force breeding from either gender.
3.3 One stallion per herd. Mares can be as many as a stallion can handle.
3.4 Stallions do not befriend each other nor approach in a friendly manner. [See 3.9 for the only exception]
3.5 Stallions got no say in their mares' ranking.
3.6 Elder and Alpha are the highest ranked in each herd. Further explanations on the herd rankings.
3.7 No breeding for horses under 3 years old.
3.8 The Elder mare is responsible for moving the herd.
3.9 Stallions may form a so called "bachelor" herd with only stallions. If one of the stud's achieves a mare he must leave and be on his own though.
4. Foals [Colts/Fillies]
4.1 Foals mature at the age of three.
4.2 At the age of two colts usually leave their herds, fillies can stay untill they wish to leave.
4.3 No challenging untill 3 years of age.
5. Challenging
5.1 Stallions can challenge for: Herds, territories, mares.
5.2 Mares can challenge for: Positions, their freedom.
5.4 Two challenges may be carried out per week. Although a horse will be less likely to win the second one.
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