You may have read about some Elders and Alpha's in the rules and like I said, here would be explanations..
Alpha/Lead: Dominant mare of the herd. Must be responsible and trustworthy. All other mares are to respect her! Is challengable by the next in rank.
Elder: Usually the oldest mare. Someone who is almost elected by the herd. Maybe not as strong as most, but remember that they have been here longer. This position is not challengable unlike the Alpha position and should depend on how long the mare has been in this game along with how old she is. They are responsible for choosing herd residance. Get them into shelter and find nutrition. Alpha's or stally's can do this aswell, but if elder disagrees you cannot say anything as long as the elder is not leading you into danger by her actions.
As for Challenges.. This is not unlike most other games where you post a message and get results sometime later. Mares positions excluded.
So how can I challenge if mares positions are excluded and yet I told you Alpha's were challengable? Well.. I think it's kinda unfair that players that have spent some time here recieve a new memeber and he instantly challenges for Alpha and wins. Of course it's frustrating! Soo.. Lets pretend you are Alpha, Anon is Beta and I come in, automatically becoming the 3rd in rank. I want to become Alpha because I think my horse is such a good one. But first I have to challenge Anon's mare for Beta. And from there Alpha. But then you must remember that four days must pass before I can challenge for positions again. And meanwhile Anon can try if he wishes so.
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