[~*~] Legendary Equines [~*~]
¤-. The soil marked by those unforgettable legends whom we shall never forget .-¤
The winds whisper unformed vocals.. Silently carrying cross the rumours of a lost equine. Nameless is all you get 'tho deep inside you know who they talk of. Nameless, the ivory stallion with the chestnut crown. Stole over twenty mares from farmers and was never seen with under 10 in his herd. Midnight is to be out of his mares.. Among with so many. Finally got caught by men, killing two and injuring another before being slain himself..
¤-. Born a king, died a king .-¤
Imelda the Great.. Was early spotted by men and recognised as a mare a farmer lost the first month of his stay here. Rumours were carried 'cross telling she was headed back to where she came from although no one knew why she disbanded her owner.. Her first spring she foaled a beautiful chestnut colt much like herself. Roamed the marshes, uncatchable for the men. Four years later she foaled a filly, sarcastically enough, out of her own colt. The same spring she was to foal a black stallion fought her son over her and won, only to leave her chestnut offspring alone in the marshes to fend for himself. The black spent but the summer in the marshes, quickly taking Imelda and her young filly towards more solid lands. A few mares were stolen from farmers till he settled down close to the great glacier of Iceland. However, health soon abandoned him and another stud easily took his herd of five away to add to his two. Imelda fought for lead position and got it. Time passed her and three other stallions won over her herd. Six years later Imelda was unable to contain the Alpha, but forever lead the herd from hunting men, willing to seize the foal of such a mare.. Never second class.. never. Of her life, only four years did she not foal and two young ones did she lose before weaning. Passed away around winter solstice in her 18th winter..
¤-. A spirit never to be lost .-¤
Some say she lives, others count her out.. Sired by Nameless out of an unknown mare. Skewbald was her colour. Left the herd in her 3rd spring, heading towards the deep valleys of the lowlands. Bred to a stallion owned by nearby farmers at age of four, left alone by her foals sire when season left her.. Not willing to surrender winter feeding for such a mare was he. Foaled a filly the spring after and roamed mostly alone with her offspring. Strangely enough, two other mares were found by her side two seasons later, excluding the filly. All were they young, possibly fillies that had abandoned their parents homes. Five they roamed and never seemed to lessen or grow in numbers. Until they simply quit being seen.. Yet all farmers around remembered Midnight. The Valkyrie like they called her.
¤-. Traceless .-¤
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