[~*~] The Happenings [~*~]

.-' All the gossip, facts and fun of every year. -'.

-'|'- Year 3 -'|'-
Unfortunately not much has happened although the equines can be lucky that the men haven't shown themselves out in the wild.

-'|'- Year 2 -'|'-
Moonlight was lost again, The Sun's Illusion is still going strong.
Many interesting horses joined and member count is increasing.
Men arrived, beware.
Slow updates, things coming and leaving. Changed colour scheme and such.
Absolutely no challenges made.
Things are still calm, just not as calm. Makes me happy.

-'|'- Year 1 -'|'-
Grand Opening! Whoohoo!
The game started out slowly and rather many of those who originally joined quit/vanished. But few characters remained and I got faith in the amount of characters getting a tad bit more steady.
Two grandchildren of Nameless's are now roaming alongside the rest, The Sun's Illusion and Moonlight.
Apart from the original territories, two were added. The maximum capability are 13 herds..
No foals were born nor did any mare breed.
To sum it up, things were quite calm and still are. Hopefully it will change soon enough.

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