[~*~] I Have Lived Before [~*~]

The wind makes you shiver as you look across the mossy field knowing you should be heading home before midnight. You stroke your horse softly watching the herd of horses ahead. A buckskin mare leads the herd, piebald stallion running around. Your horse lets out a neigh, wondering what it was he saw. The stallion instantly halts and diverts his attention towards you and your horse. For a while they exchange calls before notice is taken of quickly departing herd and the piebald quickly races nearer. You look at quickly vanishing herd, probably searching for shelter.. A bad prediction you mutter to your horse as you turn around, thinking of the stories you had been told of. The stories of the great stallion. A crowned one. You look at your chestnut, wishing your father were rich enough to buy a rare horse like that. At the same time you wonder if the wild horses enjoyed their lives. If they didn't like having the freedom to look for the sprouting geysers you had only herd of. Or the colourful mountains said to be made by Freyr (the god of fertility) himself. Boundless..

Wouldn't it be nice to know..?

Will you explore the unknown as a fellow equine or keep on wondering what it must be like?
Take your time.. but one thing you must know..
-'. Ekta is waiting .'-

Frames   Frameless
